Sunday, January 20, 2013

Inauguration of a man we still don't know

When Will This Nightmare End ?

Today was inauguration day. It is a shame the newly elected President is Barry Hussein Obama.  Be afraid America, be very afraid.  He took the oath of office and is once again at the helm of the government that has lied and covered up the four murders at Bengazi. Now we will have to watch as out beloved U.S.A. goes down the tubes and stand by as a radical megalomaniac does his dirty work. Stripping us of our dignity and forcing us into ever greater debt.  The era of American exceptionalism is dead. We now are equal with the third world countries. The man will lie to us again and the media will never press him for any answers as he sells us down the river. Usurps the second amendment and inculcates our children with a socialist mind set that gets you no where fast. It is a sad day and an even sadder future for all of our children and theirs. How a man so radical and incompetent got elected twice is easy to figure out . He appealed to the miss fits, illegals and selective misanthropes. He divided and conquered all of us. Now we all have to live with an America that is last on the list of respected nations. Now the UN will call the shots for us and we will sink lower than a pregnant sows belly. 

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