President Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 Democrat, is a great great uncle of G.W. Bush on his mothers side. As a matter of fact Pierce is the name of one of his nephews.That makes three, as the number of Presidents in the Bush family tree. "The storm of frenzy and faction must inevitably dash itself in vain against the unshaken rock of the Constitution." Franklin Pierce
President Gerald Ford 1974- 1977 Republican, was the only President who was never elected to President or Vice President. He resigned his congressional seat and was appointed to the Presidency. Spiro Agnew, the Vice President under President Nixon had already resigned his office after being accused of taking bribes prior to his election as V.P. President Nixon resigned after the Watergate scandal.

An astounding number of Presidents have been assassinated while in office. In all there were four. Lincoln, Garfield, Mc Kinley, Kennedy. Reagan, Ford and Theodore Roosevelt were victims of attempted assassinations.
John F. Kennedy was the youngest elected President at age 43 but was not the youngest to hold that office. Theodore Roosevelt assumed the offices at age 42. This resulted from the killing of Pres. Mc Kinley.
The S in President Harry S Truman's name is just that, an S. It does not stand for any name. It simply stands for S. This was done in order to satisfy both grand fathers on his mother's and fathers side. Each of their names started with S.

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