Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Obama's Failures Results From Blaming Others

It is time to examine yourself and your government

Failure....  Try looking in the mirror.

Ninety Nine Percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses or blaming others.
                                                                                                      George Washington Carver

1.The unemployment rate is still at almost 8%.

2. GDP is woefully sluggish.  Hovering only above 1% growth. Foreclosures still at all time high.  No outrage. 

3. Fed is printing money like S&H Green Stamps. No outrage.  

4. Poverty is on the rise. No outrage. 

5. The debt is $ 16.7 trillion and rising day by day.  No outrage. 

6.No budget submitted by Senate for 4 years. No outrage. 

7.President's Budget still not submitted as of today.  In violation of the law. No outrage.  

8.Two thousand illegals let out of jail. To roam our streets, blaming sequester. No outrage.

 9. People on food stamps rising each year since Obama took office.  Even after spending trillions on the poor.  No outrage.

10. Bengazi murders blamed on video. No outrage.

11. Efforts to abort and go around Constitution. No outrage.

12. Billions and billions in wasteful spending.  No outrage.

13. Affordable care act misrepresented (Obama Care)  and misnomer.  The bill is now over 30,000 pages of new regulations. No outrage. 

14. Government consistently and methodically obfuscate, defer and blame others for the conditions that they can't fix or are making worse. No outrage.  

15.  Democrats pass bill in Senate that provide free health care for people who break the law and come to U.S. illegally. No Outrage

The list just goes on and on and on.  Still no outrage.  Where does the blame lie.  It rests upon our selves. Not the former President, not the former administration.  Not the rest of the world.  No it rests with ourselves.  This is a very hard concept to come to grips with.  Especially when the so called leader of the nation perpetuates the idea that it is always someone else who is at fault for his failures to get things going in the right direction.  Why? The answer to that question is simple. NO OUTRAGE, by the media and no interest by the electorate to pay attention.  Not holding to the precept of JFK's "Think not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".   Something we have long forgotten and are refusing to do more and more. As it has no become ingrained it the American psyche for many to depend on others so that you can then blame others.  Making themselves immune to the idea of taking on responsibility for themselves.  In doing this they make themselves the new slaves.  Anti-slavery was a concept this country lost 650,000 lives in a conflict that would end it.  When you put your destiny and future into the hands of others. You give up your abilty to control what happens to you.  It is like being in prison without guard towers and barbed wire fences.  The prison is constructed in your own mind and it is maintained with your own inability to think yourself out of it.  How can you? You have become the poster person for the Ice Man Cometh.  Waiting for the calvary to arrive to help you out of a situation that only requires one soldier,  yourself.

The government shackels you with your own chain of indifference,  resulting in loss of self respect.  It is like anything else that human beings have the tendency to succumb to.  If they can they will blame another or others.  As a result we becomes like Pavlov's dogs.  The difference between animals and humans no longer apply. The line that makes us different is never crossed between the two.  That difference being,  free will.  If we lose the ability to examine ourselves and then correct the problem by being outraged at what the reasons are for our failures.  Recognizing that we can indeed fix them. We will always fail because we choose to blame others for what we ourselves can fix or modify to achieve success in our spiritual and material lives.  The present administration in Washington has created the idea of blaming others for their  own failed efforts.  It has now a precedent.  It will destroy the nation and will continue to perpetuate a different kind of slavery.  The lack of outrage,  and the will to be outraged.

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