Monday, January 21, 2013

Obama and FDR Both Take Oath Four Times

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barry Hussein Obama 
Take Oath 3 Times Too Many

It may be of interest to all of you people who are in so enamored with Barry. That he is the second President that has taken the oath of office four times. The first was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. That due to the fact that he was elected to the Presidency four times. But dropped dead before he could finish his fourth term.  The Lord works in strange and mysterious ways.  He also had an ongoing super high un employment rate all the way up to 1939 when WW2 was in full swing in Europe and when we entered the War after Pearl Harbor in 1941. Mr. Obama took it 4 times as well. This due to the fact that the first time it was given it was not done in accordance with custom and the law. So it was taken again in a private ceremony. This time the oath was taken on Jan. 20th the day designated by the Constitution. Yeah, you remember that piece of paper. The one he and is left wing cohorts would like to shred.  It fell on a Sunday and the big shindig was scheduled for a Monday the 21st. So  he had to take the oath again. You would think that a man who had to take it 4 times would hold to the oath instead of trying to violate it every time he is given an opportunity. Well you know the Lord works in strange ways. So let's hope for the best.  Perhaps Mr. Obama will follow in F.D.R.'s foot steps. In more ways than one. Except that of  being elected four times. Which he very well  might try to be. I wouldn't put anything passed this guy.

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