Money by itself is not wealth. It is just a means where goods and services can be exchanged. Money is form of trust passed from hand to hand. It can easily be kept. Without degrading it's original form. It only has value as long as the trust lasts. In order for that value to last it must be trusted. For that trust to last it must be in a limited supply. If too much is printed or coined, it not trusted and will garner less in the way of goods or services. Too much of it can make it worthless. Inflation will occur. Too little and people cannot expand their investments in new ventures because of limited credit. Less money in peoples pockets means less demand for goods. This is what we call recession. Limited employment will result. History has shown this to be a conundrum. The problem is keeping a balance.
De-value Money De-value Morality
Economics has always been the driver of politics and political ideology. Rather than seeing political change through the lens of social changes and morality. It should be viewed through the lens of monetary value. Money and the value of it, determines what happens in modern societies. No money less work. Less work more time to do the "devils work". Or as the saying goes, " idleness is the devils work shop". Giving away money or printing it, making it easy for goods and services to be obtained or provided. Can also effect morality and tends to lead to gluttony. As evidenced by the proceeding events that led to the fall of many great cultures. The Roman Empire being the prime example. Are we as a nation coming close to that fateful end. Only time will tell.
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