Thursday, February 21, 2013

Royal House Of Windsor, Not Really

Duke and Duchess
 Made Up Name

There has been lots of attention directed to the Royal House of Windsor.  The reason is the pregnancy of The Duchess of Cambridge, known to most as Kate. A commoner that had the good fortune to garner the attention of Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and one of two sons,  of  the late Diana, The Royal Princess, before being divorced from the dad of William and subsequently dying in a tragic accident.  As with Diana, the mother of William. The Duchess is quite popular with the subjects of the Queen mother.  She is affectionately referred to as Kate. The former Kate Middleton carries the surname of Windsor.  Now that she is one of the Royal Family.  Her offspring will also carry the family name of Windsor. As in the Duke of Windsor. A name that is really a "made up name".

The new surname name was suggested to take the place of  Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.  In 1917, during the on going First World War. The German sounding surname was not considered good P.R. because of it's German connotation.  Especially since the adversary of Great Britain was Germany.  It also did not help that the Kaiser or Monarch of Germany was a blood relative of the King of England, George the V.  Indeed the Czar of Russia was also a cousin of both monarchs.  It was and still is not uncommon for the same blood to flow in the veins of various houses of European royalty.  The surname of Windsor was then suggested by the King's private secretary, Lord Stamfordham.  So the Royal Family from that day forward carries the name of Windsor as their surname.

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