Historically Speaking...Yes
A proper perspective on history and history in the making.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Bill Clinton and his destructive existence.
The Democrats, with the help of the press destroy the country's morality for decades.
In the history of the United States there has been only one elected president that has been impeached. That man's name is William Jefferson Clinton. The other was a president that was not elected. His name was Andrew Johnson who was elected in 1864 as vice president under Abraham Lincoln. Naturally Johnson was inaugurated in 1865. after Lincoln was assassinated, by John Wilkes Booth. Johnson was a Democrat who served under a Republican President. Both were impeached by the House of Representatives and went on to be tried by the Senate. Both men failed to be convicted.
Johnson, a self educated tailor by trade who never attended school was a governor and the only southern Senator that stuck with the Union after succession. His lenient policies towards the south were frowned upon by the Republicans in Congress. Especially Secretary of War Stanton. Constant battles with the Republicans who wanted to punish the south put him in disfavor with the Congress. Johnson's lenient reconstruction policies of almost total amnesty for the southern states and their rapid integration back into the U.S fold. Was opposed by radical Republican elements in the north. This came to a head when the Senate passed an act that would prevent the removal of cabinet secretaries. That had been previously approved by the Senate. Requiring the approval of that body to do so. This was called the Tenure of Office Act.
William Jefferson Clinton was also impeached and tried by the Senate. Elected in 1992. He was impeached in1998. But was not convicted when put on trial by the Senate. One of the most immoral and character deficient Presidents of our history. He lied to a federal judge that stemmed from a case involving Paula Jones. His affair with an intern named Monica Lewinski that took place in the oval office and his numerous incidents of sexual inappropriateness with other vulnerable women. Caused him to lie to the American people on national T.V. His power enabled him to intimidate women into silence as to his pureint behavior. But the media stood by him in their bias reporting and support of the liberal democrats.
A special prosecutor was named to investigate the matter and found that his coverup and lies went beyond what the media wanted to label as "just sex". A judge ruled that he had obstructed justice and prevented a citizen from getting due process. A citizen civil right, the president had a duty to protect. Many consider him the dirt bag of the century and bounder. In recent years he has become the icon of the Democratic party. Supported by a misguided and ignorant following. He changed the attitude of young people as it related to morality. Giving a signal that it was ok to cheat on your wife and make a filthy whore of a close supporters daughter, Ms Lewinski. A disgusting example of the worst kind of man to lead any country. Not with standing President Obama.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Baroness Margaret Thatcher 1925 - 2013
The Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher. 1925 to 2013
If ever there was a woman that truly fit the title of Iron Lady, It was without question Margaret Thatcher. The first woman to serve as such in Great Britain's history. A daughter of a common grocer. She rose to a position that only men held in a country whose history goes back for many centuries. The tag of Iron Lady was first applied to her by a Soviet journalist. It was meant to be as pejorative. It stuck and rather than refute the characterization, she enhanced it and codified it in the positive. Instead turning it into a symbol of her strength and refusal to do what she knew was not in the best interests of Great Britain. For that matter the free world. She went up against the leftest labor party that had pushed the country to destruction. Much as Democrat Jimmy Carter had done in The U.S. Entering the office as Prime Minister the unemployment rate for the country was above 13 %. Liberal socialist thought that making the rich poorer would make the poor richer. Of course as history has shown that had never been the case and still is not till today. History has proven that socialism fails every time it is tried. So it had in Great Britain. When she left at the end of her tenure of 9 years, the longest of any prime minister. The economic health blossomed and the unemployment rate was at 4.5 %. The people of the country were told that " pennies do not fall from heaven, they have to be earned here on earth".
Reagan was the second most important person in her life.
A ideological "soul mate" of President Ronald Reagan. She shared his enthusiasm and his free market ideals.
Her ability to take on difficulties and her plain talk that confronted the ideas of Labor and Social Democrats. Who maintained policies that kept the poor, poor. Pitting one class against another in order to maintain their power. Her friendship with President Bush one was also close and he asked for her advice with confidence. She was instrumental in ending the Cold War by recognizing the ability to be able to " do business " with Gorbachev of the Soviet Union.
Leadership in War and Peace
Her leadership in war as pertains to the invasion of the Faulklands Islands by Argentina. Again the liberals and defeatists of the left doubted her. She once again proved them wrong. She stood up to the miners powerful union who threatened the economy of the country in the name of socialism. Returned formally nationalized industries back to the private sector. Where they emerged and over came the failure of govt. to operate those industries and replacing the idea of incentive by reward. She was against the idea of waiting around for the government to enable you to exist and thrive. She believed in personal responsibility.
She proved that the socialist were wrong. They hate her for it
Great Britain, along with the other countries with Social Democrat leadership were sinking in the mire of their own incompetence and guaranteed pay, pensions and a debased societal values. She stemmed the tide of their destructive actions and style of governing. A great lady who changed history for the better and certainly was a success. Proof of that is how the left hates her, even today. True to the viciousness and self serving left who are more interested in their own power and will do anything and sacrifice anyone in the name of Socialism. A cruel and oppressive system that rewards only those who aspire to it. Leaving anyone who dares to defy being controlled in everything they say and do vilified and stifled. Insuring their continued absolute power by buying votes and support by those they claim to care for. In reality hurting them and eating away at their self esteem and dignity. She coined the phrase, " Socialism is fine until you run out of other peoples' money". . Among other famous quotes.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
St. Joseph Patron of The Working Man
La Festa di San Giuseppi
March 19 is the day the swallows return to Capistrano. An island off the coast of California. The locals take note of that day with a festival to mark their return. It is also marks Saint Joseph's Day. A day held in high esteem by Italians and Americans of Italian decent. It is a feast day on the calender of the Roman Catholic church. It is also a feast day in the Anglican and Lutheran church. St. Joseph is the step father of Jesus and the husband of Mary, In some places it is also considered on a par or takes it's place as fathers days in southern romance language countries as Portugal Spain and Italy. It is also considered a patron saint in Canada and Poland. Many cities in America celebrate the day in grand fashion. New Orleans being one of them. St Joseph, a carpenter, is considered to be the patron saint of the working man and those who are unemployed but seeking work. St Joseph was also the protector of Jesus and his mother the blessed Mary.
The day is celebrated with offerings of food. For it was a famine that led Sicilians to pray in unison for the famine to end with a successful crop. Thus averting starvation for many at that time. Gift s of fava beans, which represents the means by which the famine was averted. In many places, the return of migrating fish to spawning waters, St. Josephs Day marks the beginning of the return of those species. Such as stripped bass and salmon. There are other stories and folk lore that are connected to a response to their prayers to St. Joseph. Red is the color of the day and celebrants wear the color red. Much as St. Patricks Day celebrants wear green.
Traditionally a table is set for the day. Either at home or in a public setting or church. St. Joseph's Day falls during lent and therefore the feast is meatless. Some of the traditional dishes are artichokes stuffed with seasoned breadcrumb and cheese. Anther is a pasta dish that is made with fennel and anchovies or what some call sardi. A small fish similar to sardines. A very popular dish native to southern Italy. primarily Naples, Calabria and Sicily. Fava beans are also included in the menu. Breads also mark the day and fill the table. There are pastries called sfingi zeppoli that are filled with a custard cream or a ricotta cream. They are delicious. It would be wise to save your appetite to enjoy a cup of espresso and one of these tasty pastries. Although Italian feasts and other feasts go on for ever and there is plenty of time to rest, and digest and start again.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Happy St. Patty's Day
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Great To Be Irish |
St. Patrick's Day.

New Yorkers and others have been celebrating the day since the early 18th century. Contrary to what people might think. The celebration has only taken hold in this manner in Ireland starting in 1997. In Canada it has been celebrated since 1824. In South America's Argentina. The 5th largest concentration of Irish in the world outside Ireland. The day is well celebrated in ways similar to other places. The shamrock being one of the symbols of St. Patrick's day represents the holy trinity. It was this that St. Patrick used to teach polytheistic Irish in the 5th century about the holy trinity.
The day is also held as a holy day of obligation in the Roman Catholic Church and recognized as a feast day.
It is recognized by several sects of Christianity including the Eastern Orthodox Church, Anglican and Lutheran Church as well as the the Church of Ireland. The wearing of the green reflects back to when during a revolution in the late 1700's the men of the cause wore green uniforms. It is also related to wearing a shamrock on St. Patty's Day. Ironically St. Patrick was not Irish at all. He was Romano British and was brought to Ireland as a slave when a young boy. Then escaping to go on to become a priest and his ministry then was to bring Christendom to the pagan Irish in 432 AD.
There are many private entities that sponsor the parades. Companies and individuals alike. Fund the celebration. It is truly a great day for the Irish and for all. A great holiday celebration that promises to be around for a long time as long as the secularist keep their nose out of it and ruin it for everyone.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Pope # 266 Is Latin American Italian. Back to Basics
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266 th Pope |
With the election today of Pope Francis. The Roman Catholic Church has a leader that they have been without since the retirement of Pope Benedict. The first Pope that has emerged from the New World in over 2000 years of Church history. Was elected after just 24 hours after the start of the conclave. Jorge Mario Bergolio from Argentina. Son of Italian immigrants that were among almost 5 million that immigrated to that country in the late 1800's and 1900's. One fifth of the population of Argentina, South America, being of Italian decent. Those of German and Spanish decent and Mestizos, making up the rest of the population. The Pope is a Jesuit priest that chose the name Francis. To reflect the man, Francis di Assisi. Who took on the task of reorganizing the church . In it's time of turmoil. The name Francis also reflects Francis Xavier the founder of he Jesuit order. An order sometimes deep in the politics of many countries. Almost to the extent of being banned from some countries.
A conservative cleric that now heads the church. Is a simple man who lived simply as a Cardinal in apartments in the Argentine capital. He is strong advocate of the poor and is against same sex marriages and abortion. Against many of the liberal secular efforts of the government to provide contraceptives and gay adoption. Speaking out against human rights abuses and treatment of the poor. He started off his appearance on the balcony greeting throngs of people that waited for his appearance. Saying in Italian, " Bona Sera. Asking them to pray for him. He is the first Pope taking the name Francis, so there will be no Roman numerals after his name, as we have seen so often in the past.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Royal House Of Windsor, Not Really
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Duke and Duchess |
There has been lots of attention directed to the Royal House of Windsor. The reason is the pregnancy of The Duchess of Cambridge, known to most as Kate. A commoner that had the good fortune to garner the attention of Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and one of two sons, of the late Diana, The Royal Princess, before being divorced from the dad of William and subsequently dying in a tragic accident. As with Diana, the mother of William. The Duchess is quite popular with the subjects of the Queen mother. She is affectionately referred to as Kate. The former Kate Middleton carries the surname of Windsor. Now that she is one of the Royal Family. Her offspring will also carry the family name of Windsor. As in the Duke of Windsor. A name that is really a "made up name".
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Thursday, February 7, 2013
Economic Depression, or rather the depressions. Part 1

There have been more than one economic depressions in the history of the United States. The very first was the depression that lasted from 1807 - 1814. The war between Great Britain and the French was an ongoing effort of both countries for power in Europe In an effort to stay above the fray and not get involved in foreign entanglements. Something the young country was not prepared to do. Neither financially or militarily. President Jefferson placed an embargo on goods sold or traded to either country. This in an effort to stay out of the war zone of the two conflicting countries. The theory being that the United States could make up for the loss of trade by expanding it's own domestic markets. However the ability to do that was not pragmatic in the short run. It would take time and in the mean time the economy would suffer. A result of the trade embargo was a recession and a closing of industries that here to fore produced manufactured goods that would ordinarily provide for foreign markets. Despite Jefferson's attempts to stay clear of the conflict. In the end the United States had no choice but to enter into the conflict and the War of 1812 was upon us. The war was primarily a war fought over the impresment of seaman. Sailing on American vessels and violation of national sovereignty perpetrated on the high seas. Although the outcome of the war was not conclusive the economy recovered in 1814.
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