Friday, June 14, 2013

Bill Clinton and his destructive existence.

The Democrats, with the help of the press destroy the country's morality for decades.

In the history of the United States there has been only one elected president that has been impeached.  That man's name is William Jefferson Clinton.  The other was a president that was not elected. His name was Andrew Johnson who was elected  in 1864 as vice president under Abraham Lincoln. Naturally Johnson was inaugurated in 1865. after Lincoln was assassinated, by John Wilkes Booth.  Johnson was a Democrat who served under a Republican President.  Both were impeached by the House of Representatives and went on to be tried by the Senate. Both men failed to be convicted.

Johnson, a self educated tailor by trade who never attended school was a governor and the only southern Senator that stuck with the Union after succession. His lenient policies towards the south were frowned upon by the Republicans in Congress. Especially Secretary of War Stanton. Constant battles with the Republicans who wanted to punish the south put him in disfavor with the Congress.  Johnson's lenient reconstruction policies of almost total amnesty for the southern states and their rapid integration back into the U.S fold. Was opposed by radical Republican elements in the north.  This came to a head when the Senate passed an act that would prevent the removal of cabinet secretaries. That had been previously approved by the Senate.  Requiring the approval of that body to do so. This was called the Tenure of Office Act. 

William Jefferson Clinton was also impeached and tried by the Senate. Elected in 1992. He was impeached in1998.  But was not convicted when put on trial by the Senate. One of the most immoral and character deficient Presidents of our history. He lied to a federal judge that stemmed from a case involving Paula Jones.  His affair with an intern named Monica Lewinski that took place in the oval office and his numerous incidents of sexual inappropriateness with other vulnerable women. Caused him to lie to the American people on national T.V.  His power enabled him to intimidate women into silence as to his pureint behavior.  But the media stood by him in their bias reporting and support of the liberal democrats.

A special prosecutor was named to investigate the matter and found that his coverup and lies went beyond what the media wanted to label as "just sex". A judge ruled that he had obstructed justice and prevented a citizen from getting due process.  A citizen civil right, the president had a duty to protect. Many consider him the dirt bag of the century and bounder. In recent years he has become the icon of the Democratic party.  Supported by a misguided and ignorant following. He changed the attitude of young people as it related to morality. Giving a signal that it was ok to cheat on your wife and make a filthy whore of a close supporters daughter, Ms Lewinski.  A disgusting example of the worst kind of man to lead any country.  Not with standing President Obama.